Virtual Wardrobe Editing & Personal Styling

ready for a fresh new look? click here!

Virtual Personal Styling Session

$180 for 2 hours

$90/subsequent hour

Whatever stage of life you’re in, we want to help you look and feel your very best. Connect with our personal stylist via video chat, and she will help you to go through your closet, declutter, and find items and clothing combinations that work for your lifestyle and your body type.

During your time together, our stylist can:

  • Help you declutter your closet from items that aren’t working for you,

  • Shop your closet to help you create new outfit combinations that work with your skin tone, height, and personal style goals,

  • Create a personalized digital stylebook with outfit combinations and fashion inspiration from your very own closet, and/or

  • Shop online with you to find a few key pieces, to find a whole new wardrobe, or anything in between.

Wanting to take family photos? You stylist can also help you and your family shop your own wardrobes (and the store, if needed) to find the perfect combinations to make your photos look coordinated and timeless.

Fly By Styling - $50

Have a few quick questions for our Style Chick? Schedule a virtual Fly By Styling and get up to 30 minutes of time spent messaging, sending photos, and getting individually-tailored style help, right from your own closet, or from a store you’re shopping at!

2 Hour Personal Styling Session - $180

Need more of a deep-dive with our Style Chick? Schedule a Wardrobe Editing and Personal Styling session and get up to 2 hours of time spent in your closet, or at an store within your budget getting individually-tailored style help!