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Hello! Welcome to The Organizer Chicks blog! We are a team of Professional Organizers who have been serving clients since 2011. We’re so happy to have you here on our blog where you will have access to information about organizing, productivity, business, and endless other topics.
Be sure to also check out our weekly podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google, or here in our archives to stay up to date on all of our tips, tricks, and advice.
We want to give you some background on who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do. In this post, we are going to answer a few questions that people often ask us: What is a Professional Organizer? How does someone become a Professional Organizer? Why would someone hire a Professional Organizer?
What is a Professional Organizer?
A Professional Organizer is a non-judgmental third party who walks with normal, everyday people through the process of letting go of excess and implementing new procedures and processes to help them stay organized. Professional organizers can help with decluttering, packing, unpacking, and even services like time management and wardrobe editing. The goal of a Professional Organizer is to help people use their physical space, mental space, and time more efficiently.
How Does Somebody Become a Professional Organizer?
Obviously, everyone’s story is different. Professional Organizing is a quickly growing industry, and many people enter the field by starting their own small organizing businesses that can be as small as a single Professional Organizer or that have multiple employees.
The Organizer Chicks was started by Amber Taggard back in 2011. For Amber, becoming a Professional Organizer stemmed partly from her personality and partly from her education.
“I am an oldest child, and, like a lot of first-borns, I think I was just born that kid who was a little bit nerdy and who liked the rules and had a propensity to be a little bit bossy. Even as a kid, I just really like things neat and tidy, and I learned early on that I just functioned better. I was happier and I had more patience when my physical surroundings were just a little neater and a little nicer.”
As an adult, Amber continues to recognize that having a calm external space helps her to maintain a calm internal space.
In addition to her personality, Amber notes that her Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health propelled her toward her career as a Professional Organizer.
“It was actually while I was in graduate school that the thought of organizing for other people became a “thing” in the first place for me. I was doing a study on productivity and on barriers to productivity, and I came across this statistic that the average American wastes seventeen minutes a day, every day, looking for things that they lost or misplaced. I started doing the math on that number and realized that we’re creating an additional 1,034 work shifts for ourselves over the course of our lives, and just thinking about how avoidable that wasted time is. I also started thinking about the negative self-talk that happens during those seventeen minutes every day, and I realized that all of that could be overcome with the magic of organization. So, I decided I would try to start a company.”
The seventeen-minute statistic comes from a study by the UCLA Center on the Everyday Lives of Families.
In 2011, Amber started her company, The Organizer Chick...singular! At that point, she was the only organizer in the company, and she started taking on clients to help them tackle the messes in their lives. Soon enough, she became so busy that she needed to hire an assistant, expecting to be able to split the work load in half.
Instead, her assistant ended up getting just as busy as she was. Occasionally, Amber and her assistant were able to work together on projects, and Amber quickly realized the power of teamwork and that the whole was greater than the sum of its parts, so she pluralized the name of the company and started adding more “chicks” to the flock.
As of 2020, Amber has a team of sixteen chicks in Northwest Arkansas, as well as a team of two in Kansas City at The Organizer Chicks’ second location, which opened in the fall of 2019.
Why would someone hire a Professional Organizer?
As Amber mentioned, chaotic and unorganized spaces have a very real impact on our mental well-being and internal sense of calm. By decluttering and implementing systems of organization, we can all live slightly less stressed, hectic lives, and we can spend our time on the things that matter to us.
However, jumping in and tackling an organizing project can feel incredibly overwhelming. And while friends and family can be very helpful, sometimes having a loved one help with organizing can be more aggravating than helpful.
So, Professional Organizers can enter the scene as an objective, non-judgmental person to work with you to accomplish your goals, no matter how large or small the project. The Organizer Chicks have been hired to organize anything from junk drawers up to corporate warehouses to an entire homes. People also often hire us for packing and unpacking. Moving is exhausting and overwhelming, so having extra sets of hands to get you fully settled into your new home quickly can free you up to start living your new life.
We have plenty of other services (find them here), but the main point is, Professional Organizers are here for you to make your life less stressful and more productive so that you can live a fuller, richer life.
Thank you for being a part of our blogging journey! We are excited to walk this road with you. Please leave questions and comments below to let us know your thoughts, and be sure to check out our podcast!